1. 您未遵守本协议,使用虚假或无效信息注册JCWallet帐号的;
2. 您发布虚假商品或服务信息、销售假冒伪劣商品或实施欺诈活动;
3. 您实施其他违法行为。
1. 一旦您注册或激活成为JCWallet用户,并使用JCWallet服务,JCPAY公司将在您及(或)对方符合指定条件或状态时,划拨款项给您所指定的对象,或收取他人划拨给您的款项。
2. 您在此确认,您在JCPAY公司网站或第三方网站上按JCWallet服务流程所确认的交易状态将成为JCPAY公司为您划拨或收取款项的不可撤销的指令。您同意JCPAY公司有权按相关指令依据本协议及相关规定对款项或交易等进行处理。
3. 如您在使用JCWallet服务时涉及第三方提供的产品或服务,JCPAY公司对您与第三方可能出现的纠纷概不承担责任。如您未能及时对交易状态进行修改或确认或未能提交相关申请所引起的任何纠纷或损失由您本人负责。
4. 您应自行安排货物的交付(如适用),并要求买方在收货凭证上签字确认,因您拒绝发货或货物延迟送达或在送达过程中的丢失、毁损,应由交易双方自行处理。
5. 您在使用JCWallet服务时,应自行谨慎判断对方是否是完全民事行为能力人并自行决定是否与对方进行交易或转账给对方等,且您应自行承担与此相关的所有风险。
6. 您了解JCPAY公司并不是银行,您认同款项流转需要一定的时间,具体到账时间取决于银行等系统,您同意JCPAY公司对此不承担责任。
7. 您同意,JCPAY公司无须对您使用JCWallet服务期间由JCPAY公司保管或代收代付的款项的货币贬值、汇率波动或投资亏损造成的损失承担任何责任,并且JCPAY公司无须向您提供此等款项的任何孳息。
8. 当您通过JCWallet服务进行各项交易或接受交易款项时,若您或对方未遵从本协议条款或网站说明中的操作指示,JCPAY公司并不保证交易会顺利完成。若因上述状况致使款项已先行到达您的账户,您应立即向JCPAY公司返还此笔款项,但该款项属于您合法所有的除外。此款项若已汇入您的银行账户,您同意JCPAY公司有向您事后索回的权利。
9. 您需全面了解并遵守您所在国家或司法辖区与使用JCWallet服务所有相关法律、法规及规则。您理解,JCPAY公司有权按照当地法律及法律规定的其他有权机关的要求对您在JCPAY公司的款项及账户等进行查询、冻结或扣划。
10. 您了解,如您在使用JCWallet服务过程中,由于您的JCWallet账户被盗用或冒用造成您的损失,经JCPAY公司同意,您可授权JCPAY公司代表您向相关责任第三方或赔付机构进行追偿。您与JCPAY公司另有约定的除外。
11. 您同意,为了向您提供更为专业、便捷的JCWallet服务,您不可撤销地授权JCPAY公司有权向您推送JCPAY公司最新服务消息或通知,并基于JCWallet服务开展的实际需要,在JCPAY公司内部平台以共享您的用户信息,详见《隐私保护声明》。JCPAY公司将依法保守您的用户信息及商业秘密,不对外泄漏,但法律法规或监管机构另有规定的除外。
12. 为更安全、有效地向您提供服务,根据法律法规的规定,或JCPAY公司需识别您的身份,或JCPAY公司认为您的账户存在风险时,JCPAY公司有权要求您提交身份信息证件或其他能识别证明您身份的合法文件。
13. 您同意,JCPAY公司有权根据有效法律文书(包括但不限于生效的法院判决、仲裁裁决书、行政决定书等)的内容处置与您的JCWallet账户相关的款项和交易。
14. 如果您提供或确认了错误的收款人信息,我们对您因此产生的任何损失不承担责任,然而我们将采取合理努力协助您收回款项,但对于任何无法收回的款项不承担责任。
15. 您在此任命JCWallet为向您付款时使用的任何服务提供商,作为您的有限收款代理,代理事项仅限于从付款方接收资金并将这些资金付出给您指定的银行账户。
16. JCWallet 将依据您的请求向您提供 JCWallet 服务代码,您可以将其提供给相关合作伙伴作为您的账户。请注意,我们所提供的 JCWallet 服务代码并非银行账户。您的 JCWallet 服务代码对您而言是独一无二的,您有责任保证此信息的安全。您必须采取所有合理措施保证 JCWallet 账户登录凭据的安全。如果您发现存在未经授权访问或使用您 JCWallet 账户用户名和密码的行为,您应立即通知我们。如您允许他人使用您的 JCWallet 账户,我们会将其视为您授权此类使用,且您对此类使用产生的所有交易和费用承担责任。
17. 服务时间不在JC PAY公司控制范围内。如果 JCWallet 在5 个工作日内未完成服务,您可以要求我们代您进行内部调查。JC PAY公司应以商业合理的努力向您通报 JCWallet 的服务进度,但不能保证这些信息准确、完整或及时。
1. 您在注册或激活JCWallet账户,以及自行设置密码后,可按照JCPAY公司的业务管理规则及要求使用JCWallet服务。
2. 交易异常处理:
3. 服务功能调整
4. 合规审查:
5. 责任限制:
1)对于JCWallet服务, JC PAY公司及其服务提供商明确表示不承担因您或合作伙伴的任何作为或不作为而产生的任何责任。
2)您同意免除、保护、赔偿并使 JCWallet 及其附属公司及服务提供商,及其各自董事.高级管理人员、员工和代理,免于任何及所有因您的过错或过失而招致的索赔、责任、损害、损失和费用。
3)您对您的产品、您的产品购买者和与您互动的合作伙伴独自承担责任,并且您应当赔偿并使 JCWallet 免于受到任何此类产品购买者或合作伙伴针对 JCWallet 的任何索赔。
4)除非您居住的司法管辖区的法律和任何其他适用的法律允许,否则您不得使用JCWallet 服务。
5)JCWallet 永远不会就执行交易的可取性、是否及何时进行特定交易、或某一交易的任何法律、监管、税务、业务、财务或会计上的考虑或后果向您提供任何意见。任何交易决定均由您做出,我们不对任何损失(包括交易前后的汇率变动损失)承担责任。我们可能应您的要求提供市场信息,但该等信息并非作为意见提供,您亦不应从该等信息得出任何结论。
2.JCPAY公司保留有调整服务费的权利。 您同意,除非双方另有说明,JCPAY公司有权自您交易款中直接扣除相关服务费用
4.在部分情况下,中介人 (例如代理银行)可能参与跨国业务,他们可能扣除费用。我们将采取合理措施以避免产生此类费用或以其他方式确保在业务发生前通知您该等费用。然而,若我们未能避免或预测该等费用,您同意为这些费用负责。因中介人、代理银行或收款银行或任何第三方费用产生的任何直接或间接损失,我们在任何情况下均不负责。
1. 您提供的个人资料不真实,且未能提供合理说明及证明;
2. 您违反相关法律、法规、规章及政府规范性文件或本协议约定;
3. 您未按照本协议第三条第(三)款的约定足额付费;
4. 所在国相应的有权机关向JCPAY公司发出要求;
5. JCPAY公司认为存在安全隐患。
如JCPAY公司按照上述规定采取相关措施,则JCPAY公司有权通过电话、邮件等您注册或激活JCWallet账户时预留的联系方式通知您,但JCPAY公司不保证您能够收到或者及时收到上述通知。 JCPAY公司按照上述规定采取冻结措施后,如您申请解冻,JCPAY公司有权自行判断且根据前述冻结原因以及您提供的申请解冻原因来决定是否允许全部或部分解冻,您应充分理解您的解冻申请并不必然被允许,且申请解冻时您应当配合JCPAY公司核实您的身份的有关要求,提供包括但不限于身份证件信息或其他有效的身份证明文件,交易证明及本公司要求的其他信息或文件。
您了解并同意 ,您可通过JCWallet账户(JCWallet账户登录名包括商户号、手机号、电子邮箱等形式)使用JCWallet服务,并确保上述账户及其密码的安全。您将对利用上述账户及其密码所进行的一切行为负完全责任,并同意以下事项:
1. 反对所在或所属国法律,危害其国家安全、泄漏国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一的;
2. 侵害他人名誉权、隐私权、商业秘密、商标权、著作权、专利权、其他知识产权及其他合法权益;
3. 违反依法律或本协议所应负的保密义务;
4. 冒用他人名义使用JCWallet服务;
5. 从事所在国或者所属国认为的不法交易行为,如贩卖枪支、毒品、禁药、盗版软件、黄色淫秽物品或其他违禁物;
6. 提供赌博资讯或以任何方式引诱他人参与赌博;
7. 涉嫌洗钱、恐怖融资、套现或进行其他非法活动的;
8. 使用无效信用卡号码或他人信用卡号码进行交易;
9. 使用无效银行账户或他人银行账户交易;
10. 进行与您或交易对方宣称的内容不符的交易或不真实的交易;
11. 从事任何可能侵害JCWallet服务系統的行为;
12. 其他违法行为或JCPAY公司有正当理由认为不适当的行为。
1. JCWallet服务将符合您的全部需求。
2. 您经由JCWallet服务购买或取得的任何产品、服务、资讯或其他资料将符合您的期望。
JCPAY公司重视对用户隐私的保护,关于您的用户资料和其他特定资料依JCPAY公司《JCWallet隐私政策》(https://jcpay.jctrans.net/StaticPage/PrivacyPolicy )受到保护与规范,详情请参阅JCPAY公司《JCWallet隐私政策》。
1. 删除软件及其副本上关于著作权的信息;
2. 对软件进行反向工程、反向汇编、反向编译或者以其他方式尝试发现软件的源代码;
3. 对JCPAY公司拥有知识产权或获得授权的内容进行使用、出租、出借、复制、修改、链接、转载、汇编、发表、出版、建立镜像站点等;
4. 对软件或者软件运行过程中释放到任何终端内存中的数据、软件运行过程中客户端与服务器端的交互数据,以及软件运行所必需的系统数据,进行复制、修改、增加、删除、挂接运行或创作任何衍生作品,形式包括但不限于使用插件、外挂或非经合法授权的第三方工具/服务接入软件和相关系统;
5. 修改或伪造软件运行中的指令、数据,增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果,或者将用于上述用途的软件、方法进行运营或向公众传播,无论上述行为是否为商业目的;
6. 通过非JCPAY公司开发、授权的第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统使用JCWallet服务,或制作、发布、传播非JCPAY公司开发、授权的第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统;
7. 其他未经JCPAY公司明示授权的行为。
Important Note:
JCPAY Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "JCPAY") provides services to users (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "you") in accordance with the provisions of this JCWallet Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement"). "JCPAY hereby reminds the user to read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in particular the terms and conditions that exclude or reduce JCPAY's liability, the terms and conditions that limit the user's rights, dispute resolution and the application of law. The limitations and exclusions may be bolded or underlined to draw your attention to them. Users are advised to read this agreement carefully and choose to accept or not to accept it (minors should read it with a guardian). Unless the User accepts all of the terms of this Agreement, the User is not entitled to use the services provided by JCPAY under this Agreement. By registering or using the JCWallet Service, the User shall be deemed to understand and accept all terms and conditions of this Agreement.
I. Acknowledgement and acceptance of the JCWallet Service Agreement
(i) The JCWallet Service is a cooperative credit enhancement service between members provided by JCPAY as an intermediary between payee and payer relying on the JCWallet software service system (hereinafter referred to as "JCWallet Service"). In order to protect your rights and interests, you must read and accept all the terms and conditions of this Agreement before using the JCWallet Service.
(ii) JCPAY reserves the right to unilaterally amend or change the contents of this Agreement if necessary and will post the latest Service Agreement through JCPAY's website without separate notice. If you continue to use the JCWallet Services after any modification or change to the terms of this Agreement, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the modification or change, and if you do not agree, you shall voluntarily discontinue using the JCWallet Services immediately.
(iii) If your country or region excludes all or part of this Agreement, you shall immediately cease using the JCWallet Services, failing which your continued use of the JCWallet Services shall be deemed to be your agreement to bear the legal risks or liabilities associated therewith.
(iv) You agree and authorise JCPAY to make enquiries or verify appropriate information about you, such as foreign exchange purchase limits, with authorised authorities or organisations before and during the provision of the Services.
II. About registration and cancellation of the JCWallet service
(i) In order to use the JCWallet Services, you must meet the relevant conditions set out in law; if you do not have full civil capacity, you should obtain the prior consent of your guardian before using the JCWallet Services.
(ii) When registering or activating a JCWallet Account (the "JCWallet Account" in this Agreement is sometimes referred to as the "JCWallet Merchant Number" in the paper service agreement between JCWallet and the User), using the JCWallet Services, or In the course of authenticating your JCWallet account and using other features of the JCWallet Services, you shall provide JCPAY with legal, true, valid and complete information (including but not limited to your personal identification, contact details, occupation, correspondence address, mobile phone number and email address tied to your JCWallet account, etc.).JCPAY reserves the right to decide whether to accept you as a user of JCWallet or to provide some or all of its functions in accordance with its relevant rules and at its sole discretion. You are also required to maintain and promptly update your data as described above to ensure that it is true, valid and complete. If you provide any incorrect, false, invalid, expired or incomplete information, or if JCPAY has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information is incorrect, false, invalid, expired or incomplete, JCPAY reserves the right to suspend or terminate your JCWallet account and deny you access to some or all of the features of the JCWallet Services.
(iii) If the JCWallet Services are not provided properly or are provided with any errors due to your failure to update your information as described above, you may not use this as a reason to cancel the transaction or refuse payment and JCPAY Inc. shall not be liable for any loss or damage.
(iv) When you use the JCWallet Services, JCPAY Inc. may send you notices by electronic means, such electronic means include but are not limited to email, mobile phone numbers, web-based instant messengers used by JCWallet Customer Service, and publication on this website.
(v) In general, you may view the information you submit at any time, but sensitive information such as identity documents may be partially masked for security and identification reasons, and you may not be able to change certain information provided during registration or activation.
(vi) You have the right to request cancellation of your JCWallet account in accordance with the cancellation process set out by JCPAY. Before you cancel your JCWallet account, you should transfer all available funds under the account back to your own bank card account or send an instruction to JCPAY to empty the account. Before you cancel your JCWallet account, you should withdraw all available funds from the account or send an instruction to JCPAY to empty the account.
(vii) JCPAY reserves the right to cancel or permanently freeze your JCWallet account if any of the following occurs.
1. you fail to comply with this Agreement and register for a JCWallet account using false or invalid information
2. you post false information about goods or services, sell counterfeit or substandard goods or commit fraudulent activities
3. you commit other illegal acts.
(viii) You understand and agree that by cancelling your JCWallet account, this Agreement between JCPAY and you is terminated and JCPAY will cancel all pending transactions. If there are any remaining benefits in your JCWallet account, JCPAY Inc. will notify you in advance to transfer the remaining benefits in your JCWallet account; if you do not transfer the said remaining benefits within the time frame specified by JCPAY Inc., JCPAY Inc. is entitled to do so at its sole discretion without any obligation or liability to you. Even if your JCWallet account is cancelled, you will still be liable for your actions during your use of the JCWallet service and JCPAY Inc. may retain your relevant account transaction records and other information as required by law.
(ix) In order to register for an account with us on behalf of a business or commercial entity, you must have documentation of the entity's incorporation and legal authority under applicable law to accept this Agreement. We reserve the right to refuse to open an account for you at any time and for any reason. You authorise individuals who register an account in your name to use the JCWallet service as your trader.
III. About the use of the JCWallet service
(i) Description of the JCWallet service
1. Once you have registered or activated as a JCWallet user and used the JCWallet service, JCPAY Inc. will transfer funds to the person you have specified, or receive funds transferred to you by others, when you and/or the other party meet the specified conditions or status.
2. You hereby acknowledge that the status of the transaction you confirm on JCPAY's website or a third party website in accordance with the JCWallet service process will be an irrevocable instruction for JCPAY to transfer or collect funds for you. You agree that JCPAY shall have the right to process the payment or transaction etc. in accordance with the relevant instructions in accordance with this Agreement and the relevant regulations.
3. JCPAY shall not be liable for any disputes that may arise between you and third parties if you use the JCWallet service in connection with products or services provided by third parties. You are responsible for any disputes or losses arising from your failure to amend or confirm the status of a transaction in a timely manner or to submit the relevant application.
4. You should arrange delivery of the goods yourself (if applicable) and require the buyer's signature on the receipt voucher. Any delay in delivery or loss or damage to the goods due to your refusal to ship or during delivery shall be dealt with by both parties to the transaction.
5. When using the JCWallet service, you shall exercise your own discretion in determining whether the other party is a person of full civil capacity and in deciding whether to make a transaction or transfer funds to the other party, etc., and you shall bear all risks associated therewith.
6. You understand that JCPAY is not a bank and you agree that the flow of funds will take some time, depending on systems such as banks, and you agree that JCPAY is not responsible for this.
7. You agree that JCPAY shall not be liable for any loss due to currency devaluation, exchange rate fluctuations or investment losses on money held by or paid on behalf of JCPAY during your use of the JCWallet service and that JCPAY shall not be liable to you for any interest earned on such money.
8. JCPAY does not guarantee the successful completion of any transaction or acceptance of payment through the JCWallet service if you or the other party does not follow the terms of this agreement or the instructions on the website. If, as a result of the above, the money has already reached your account, you shall immediately return the money to JCPAY, unless the money is legally yours. You agree that JCPAY shall have the right to claim the money back from you at a later date if it has already been transferred to your bank account.
9. You are required to fully understand and comply with all relevant laws, regulations and rules of your country or jurisdiction in relation to the use of the JCWallet service. You understand that JCPAY has the right to access, freeze or debit your funds and accounts with JCPAY as required by local laws and other authorities as required by law.
10. You understand that in the event that your JCWallet account is misused or fraudulently used in the course of your use of the JCWallet service, you may, with JCPAY's consent, authorise JCPAY to recover on your behalf from the relevant responsible third party or indemnifier. Unless otherwise agreed between you and JCPAY.
11.You agree that in order to provide you with a more professional and convenient JCWallet service, you irrevocably authorise JCPAY to send you the latest JCPAY service news or notifications and to share your user information on JCPAY's internal platform as required for the implementation of the JCWallet service, as detailed in the Privacy Statement. JCPAY will protect your user information and trade secrets from disclosure, unless otherwise required by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities.
12. In order to provide services to you more safely and effectively, JCPAY reserves the right to require you to submit identification documents or other legal documents that identify you, if required by laws and regulations, or if JCPAY needs to identify you, or if JCPAY believes that your account is at risk.
13. You agree that JCPAY shall have the right to dispose of the funds and transactions associated with your JCWallet account in accordance with the contents of valid legal documents (including but not limited to court judgments, arbitration awards, administrative decisions, etc.).
14. If you provide or confirm incorrect payee information, we will not be liable for any losses you incur as a result, however we will use reasonable efforts to assist you in recovering the money but will not be liable for any uncollectible amounts.
15. You hereby appoint JCWallet as any service provider used in connection with payments to you as your limited collection agent for the sole purpose of receiving funds from the payer and disbursing those funds to your nominated bank account.
16.JCWallet will, upon your request, provide you with a JCWallet service code which you can provide to the relevant partner for your account. Please note that the JCWallet service code we provide is not a bank account. Your JCWallet service code is unique to you and it is your responsibility to keep this information secure. You must take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of your JCWallet account login credentials. If you become aware of unauthorised access to or use of your JCWallet account username and password, you should notify us immediately. If you allow someone else to use your JCWallet account, we will treat this as your authorisation of such use and you will be liable for all transactions and charges arising from such use.
17. The hours of service are beyond JC PAY's control. If JCWallet is not serviced within 5 business days, you may request that we conduct an internal investigation on your behalf and JC PAY shall use commercially reasonable efforts to keep you informed of the progress of JCWallet services, but cannot guarantee that such information is accurate, complete or timely.
(ii) General Terms of Service
1. After you have registered or activated your JCWallet account and set your own password, you may use the JCWallet service in accordance with JCPAY's business management rules and requirements.
2. Transaction exception handling.
1) You understand and agree that when using the JCWallet service, the service may not be provided properly due to the bank's own system problems, related operational network connectivity problems or other unavoidable factors.
2) You confirm that the personal information you have entered is correct so that JCPAY can inform you of the subsequent processing of the transaction in the event of any such anomaly. JCPAY will not be responsible for any errors in the basic information you have provided that may prevent JCPAY from notifying you of any subsequent processing in the event of such an exception.
3. Adjustment of service functions.
1) You agree that JCPAY may temporarily provide some of the service functions, suspend some of the service functions or open new service functions in the future to ensure its independent business operation. When any function is reduced or added or changed, as long as you still use the JCWallet service, you still agree to this Agreement or the amended terms of this Agreement. By continuing to use the JCWallet Services, you are still agreeing to this Agreement or the terms of this Agreement, as amended.
Transfer the operation or performance of some or all of the Services under this Agreement to a third party upon unilateral notice to you. The specific entity to be transferred shall be as notified by JCWallet Inc.
2) JCPAY shall have the right to know the true background and purpose of your transactions using the JCWallet service, and you shall truthfully provide true, comprehensive, valid and accurate information required by JCPAY; if JCPAY finds abnormal transactions or suspicions or violations of legal regulations or other misconduct, JCPAY shall have the right to first suspend, discontinue or terminate without notice (including, but not limited to, cancellation of transactions, suspension of settlement and other restrictions on payments and transactions in transit under these accounts) and deny you access to some or all of the features of the JCWallet Services.
4. Compliance review.
1) We are required to conduct due diligence on transactions. You may be required to provide all necessary information about the transaction upon our request
information, such as:
a) Purchase orders or other contracts or any similar documents;
b) details of the parties to the business;
c) and any documents we require to verify this information.
2) You are obliged to cooperate with us to confirm the authenticity and legality of the transaction. If there is clear evidence of non-compliance with the transaction, we may refuse to provide the service without liability and you will be liable for all associated costs (where applicable).
5. Limitation of Liability.
1) With respect to the JCWallet service, JC PAY Inc. and its service providers expressly disclaim any liability arising from any act or omission by you or a partner.
2) You agree to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless JCWallet and its affiliates and service providers, and their respective directors. officers, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses arising from your fault or negligence.
3) You are solely responsible for your products, the purchasers of your products and the partners with whom you interact, and you shall indemnify and hold JCWallet harmless from any claims against JCWallet by any such purchasers of products or partners.
4) You may not use the JCWallet Services except as permitted by the laws of the jurisdiction in which you reside and any other applicable laws.
5) JCWallet will never provide you with any advice on the advisability of executing a transaction, whether and when to enter into a particular transaction, or any legal, regulatory, tax, business, financial or accounting considerations or consequences of a particular transaction. Any decision to trade is yours and we will not be liable for any losses (including losses from exchange rate movements before and after the transaction). We may provide market information at your request but such information is not provided as advice and you should not draw any conclusions from such information.
(iii) Service Charges.
1. When you use the JCWallet service, JCPAY Corp. reserves the right to charge you for the relevant service fees. For details of the service fees, please refer to the description of the charging methods listed on JCPAY's website or the paper agreement signed between JCPAY and you.
2. JCPAY reserves the right to adjust the service fees. You agree that JCPAY reserves the right to deduct the relevant service fees directly from your transaction payment unless otherwise stated by both parties.
3. You are responsible for all bank charges incurred.
4. In some cases, intermediaries (e.g. correspondent banks) may be involved in cross-border operations and they may deduct fees. We will take reasonable steps to avoid incurring such charges or otherwise ensure that you are notified of such charges before the business is conducted. However, if we fail to avoid or anticipate such costs, you agree to be responsible for those costs. We will not in any event be liable for any direct or indirect loss arising from intermediary, correspondent or collecting bank or any third party fees.
iv. suspension, discontinuance or termination of JCWallet services
(i) You agree that JCPAY reserves the right to suspend, discontinue or terminate the continued provision of the JCWallet Services to all or part of your JCWallet account or JCWallet accounts associated with you based on JCPAY's own independent judgment or if a third party reports or complains that you have violated any national law or regulation (as applicable) or any provision of this Agreement.
(ii) You agree that JCPAY shall have the right to suspend, discontinue or terminate the continued provision of the JCWallet Services to all or part of your JCWallet Account or the JCWallet Account associated with you, without notice, if JCPAY becomes aware of abnormal transactions (including, but not limited to, deviations from your normal trading activities or risks in the relevant business model) or if there is any doubt.
(iii) You agree that JCPAY may suspend, discontinue or terminate the provision of the JCWallet Services to you without prior notice in any of the following circumstances and that JCPAY shall have the right to freeze all or part of your JCWallet account or the JCWallet account associated with you or suspend some or all of the instructions sent by you.
1. you provide personal data that is untrue and fails to provide reasonable explanation and proof
2. you violate relevant laws, rules, regulations and government regulatory documents or this Agreement
3. you do not pay in full in accordance with paragraph (3) of Article 3 of this Agreement
4. the corresponding authority of the host country issues a request to JCPAY
5. JCPAY considers that there is a security risk.
If JCPAY takes measures in accordance with the above provisions, JCPAY reserves the right to notify you by telephone or email at the contact details you have left when registering or activating your JCWallet account, but JCPAY does not guarantee that you will receive such notification or that you will receive it in a timely manner. If you apply to unfreeze your account after JCPAY has taken the above measures, JCPAY reserves the right to decide, at its sole discretion, whether to allow a full or partial unfreeze based on the reasons for the aforementioned freeze and the reasons you have provided for applying for an unfreeze, with the full understanding that your application for unfreeze is not necessarily allowed and that you should cooperate with JCPAY's request to verify your identity by providing including, but not limited to, identification information or other valid identification documents, proof of transactions and other information or documents as required by us.
(iv) You understand and agree that JCPAY has the right to determine its own business strategies. Subject to the laws and regulations, JCPAY has the right to transfer the services and its related assets to a third party at its own discretion in the event of a merger, demerger, acquisition, asset transfer or other change in JCPAY's operations; JCPAY may also transfer some or all of the services under this agreement to a third party for operation or performance after unilateral notification to you. The specific entity to be transferred is subject to JCPAY's notification.
V. JCWallet Account and its password and security
You understand and agree that you may use the JCWallet Services through your JCWallet account (JCWallet account login name includes forms such as merchant number, mobile phone number, email address, etc.) and that you will ensure the security of said account and its password. You will be solely responsible for all actions taken with the said account and its password and agree to the following.
(i) You will not disclose your JCWallet account, password and security certificate and other identifying information to any other person and you will not use any other person's JCWallet account, password and security certificate and other identifying information. All actions taken and instructions given through your JCWallet account and password are deemed to be made by you. You may not buy, sell, rent, transfer or give away your JCWallet account without JCPAY's consent. You shall keep in safe custody any other products or equipment held by you while using the JCWallet service and you shall be responsible for any loss arising from the loss of such products or equipment.
(ii) You agree to immediately notify JCPAY in a valid manner of any fraudulent or misappropriated use of your JCWallet account, password and security certificate by a third party or any other use not legally authorised by you, and to follow the lost and found procedure prescribed by JCPAY. JCWallet service has taken effect, JCPAY shall not be liable unless it can be proven that JCPAY was intentional or grossly negligent.
(iii) When your JCWallet account has been used, you should log out safely. If you use your JCWallet account without following this Agreement (including the instructions for using your account), or if you do not keep it properly, you will be responsible for any losses caused by theft, password theft or disclosure of personal information.
(iv) You are solely responsible for losses resulting from disclosure of your JCWallet account transaction password, verification code and other identification information or poor storage of media, failure to exercise risk prevention and confidentiality obligations or other causes caused by you (including, but not limited to, clicking on phishing links, disclosure of transaction passwords or information, intrusion into the computer you are using, etc.).
VI. Legal compliance obligations and undertakings of users
(i) You undertake never to use the JCWallet Services for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful manner and not to use the JCWallet Services for transactions of prohibited or restricted items and to comply with the laws and regulations of your country or territory and all practices in the use of the Internet Services.
(ii) You agree and warrant that you shall not use the JCWallet Services to do any of the following, failing which you shall be solely responsible for all legal liability.
1. oppose the laws of the country in which you are located or belong to, endanger their national security, disclose state secrets, subvert state power or undermine national unity
2. infringes on the reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademark, copyright, patent, other intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of others
3. violates the obligation of confidentiality under the law or this Agreement
4. use the JCWallet Services under the name of another person.
5. engage in transactions that are considered illegal by the country in which you are located or by the country to which you belong, such as trafficking in firearms, drugs, prohibited substances, pirated software, pornographic and obscene materials or other prohibited materials.
6. providing gambling information or in any way inducing others to participate in gambling.
7. suspected of money laundering, terrorist financing, cashing in or conducting other illegal activities
8. using invalid credit card numbers or the credit card numbers of others for transactions
9. transacting with an invalid bank account or another person's bank account
10. carry out transactions that do not match what you or the counterparty claim or are untrue.
11. engaging in any conduct that may infringe the JCWallet service system.
12. engage in any other conduct that is illegal or that JCPAY has reasonable grounds to believe is inappropriate.
VII. System service interruption or failure
JCPAY shall not be liable to you for any failure of JCPAY's systems to function properly and prevent users from using the JCWallet service due to one of the following conditions.
(i) JCPAY Corporation's system is down for maintenance or upgrade.
(ii) Failure of the user's computer software, system, hardware and communication lines.
(iii) Improper operation or use of the JCWallet service by means other than those authorised or approved by JCPAY.
(iv) Failure of banking or telecommunications equipment that prevents data transmission.
(v) Failure of JCPAY's system to provide services due to force majeure factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, war or terrorist attacks, viruses, Trojan horses, hacker attacks, system instability, third party service defects or government actions.
(vi) Occurrence of circumstances beyond JCPAY's control or unforeseeable.
VIII. Scope of Liability and Limitation of Liability
(i) JCPAY shall only be liable for the obligations set out in this Agreement.
(ii) Transactions arising from your dealings with any third party shall be at your own risk.
(iii) JCPAY Inc. assumes no responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information you provide.
(iv) JCPAY Inc. does not provide any warranty that.
1. the JCWallet Services will meet all of your needs
2. that any products, services, information or other materials purchased or obtained by you through the JCWallet Services will meet your expectations.
(v) The quality and content of services provided by JCPAY's partners are the sole responsibility of those partners.
(vi) You shall download or obtain any information (including software, documentation, etc.) about the JCWallet Services from JCPAY's official website or the websites of JCPAY's legally authorized partners and use it appropriately. If you fail to follow JCPAY's instructions or if your computer system is paralyzed or damaged in any way as a result of the information downloaded by you improperly, you shall be responsible for the related liability.
IX. Handling third party complaints
You must not use the JCWallet service in a manner that violates the laws and regulations of the country in which you are located or to which you belong, or that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others. You understand and agree that if you are the subject of a complaint by another person or you complain about another person, JCPAY has the right to provide your subject information, contact information, complaint-related content and other necessary information to the other party to the dispute or the relevant department in order to resolve the complaint dispute in a timely manner, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you and others; except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
X. Privacy Protection
JCPAY values the protection of user privacy. Your user information and other specific information are protected and regulated in accordance with JCPAY's JCWallet Privacy Policy (link:), please refer to JCPAY's JCWallet Privacy Policy for details.
XI. JCWallet Service Software Formats
If JCPAY Inc. relies on software to provide the JCWallet service to you, you shall also comply with the following covenants.
(i) JCPAY may develop different software versions for PC computers, mobile phones, mobile devices and other end devices, including the possibility of providing the JCWallet Services on mobile phones based on software that is or may be developed in the future for mobile JCWallet; in order to use the JCWallet Services properly, you should select and download the appropriate software version according to your actual needs.
(ii) If you obtain this software or an installer with the same name as this software from a third party that is not legally authorised, JCPAY cannot guarantee that the software will work properly.
(iii) In order to improve user experience and service content, JCPAY may provide software updates from time to time (such updates may take the form of software replacements, modifications, function enhancements, version upgrades, etc.). In order to improve the user experience and ensure the security and consistency of the service, JCPAY reserves the right to update the software or change or limit the effect of some functions of the software at any time.
(iv) When a new version of the software is released, the old version may not be available, JCPAY does not guarantee the continued availability of the old version and the corresponding customer service, so please check and download the latest version at any time.
(v) Except as permitted by law or with the written permission of JCPAY, you may not
1. remove information about the copyright on the software and its copies.
2. reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software.
3. using, renting, lending, copying, modifying, linking, reproducing, compiling, publishing, publishing, creating mirror sites, etc. of the content for which JCPAY owns the intellectual property rights or is licensed.
4. to copy, modify, add, delete, hook up, run or create any derivative works of the software or the data released into the memory of any terminal during the operation of the software, the data of the interaction between the client and the server during the operation of the software, and the system data necessary for the operation of the software, including but not limited to the use of plug-ins, plug-ins or non-legally authorized third-party tools/services to access the software and related systems.
5. modifying or falsifying instructions or data in the operation of the software, adding, deleting, changing the functionality or operating effects of the software, or operating or communicating to the public the software or methods used for the above purposes, whether or not the said acts are for commercial purposes
6. using JCWallet services through third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, or systems not developed or authorized by JCPAY, or creating, distributing, or disseminating third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, or systems not developed or authorized by JCPAY.
7. any other acts not expressly authorized by JCPAY Inc.
XII. Protection of intellectual property rights
(i) All content on JCPAY Corporation's website and online content in the course of using the JCWallet service, including but not limited to writings, pictures, files, information, materials, website architecture, website screen arrangement, web design, are owned by JCPAY Corporation or other rights holders in accordance with the law and their intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, copyrights and trade secrets.
(ii) Your use of the JCWallet Services may require you to download software provided by JCPAY that JCPAY holds the original rights to or is licensed by JCPAY, for which JCPAY grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive and non-exclusive license. You may use such software only for the purpose of accessing the JCWallet Website or using the JCWallet Services. Unless otherwise specifically stated, copyright, patents and other intellectual property rights in the software relied upon by JCPAY in providing the JCWallet Services are owned by JCPAY or other original rights holders.
(iii) No one may use, modify, reverse compile, reproduce, publicly transmit, alter, distribute, publish or publicly release the above content and software without the written consent of JCPAY or other rights holders.
(iv) It is your obligation to respect intellectual property rights and you shall be liable for damages to JCPAY or other rights holders in the event of any breach.
XIII. Complete Agreement
(i) The terms of this Agreement shall be partially invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason and the remaining terms shall remain valid and binding on you and JCPAY Inc.
(ii) Any translated version of this agreement is provided for the convenience of the user only and is not intended to modify the terms of this agreement.
XIV. Risk warning for transactions
(i) You undertake to have a good understanding of the e-commerce business and online transactions before you engage in online transactions and to be fully aware of the risks that may be inherent in the online transaction process.
(ii) You understand that you shall be solely responsible for any disputes and losses that may arise between you and your counterparty or any other third party as a result of the online transaction, including but not limited to the quality, quantity, transaction amount, delivery time, etc. of the goods or services.
(iii) You fully understand and agree to the risks and the measures and instructions presented by JCPAY, and undertake to take relevant risk prevention measures to avoid or reduce the risks as far as possible, and you voluntarily bear the risks of the transaction and the losses that may arise in the course of the transaction.
(iv) You understand and undertake that you shall not use the services provided by JCPAY for any form of money laundering, fraudulent transactions for illegal cash and other illegal and criminal acts. If JCPAY finds that you have committed the above-mentioned illegal acts, JCPAY has the right to immediately suspend, suspend or terminate the relevant transactions, and report to the public security department, and report the relevant information to the relevant departments and the relevant industry internal risk information system.
XV. Other
If you have comments or suggestions regarding this agreement or this JCWallet service, you may contact the JCWallet customer service department and we will give you the necessary assistance.
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