JCPAY公司(以下可简称“JCPAY”或“我们”)重视保护用户(以下可简称“您”)的隐私。JCPAY依据《JCtrans Pay服务协议》及本《JCtrans Pay隐私政策》(以下可简称“本政策”)的约定为用户提供服务,本政策在用户和JCPAY间具有合同上的法律效力。
请用户审慎阅读并选择接受或不接受本政策(未成年人应在监护人陪同下阅读)。当您同意《JCtrans Pay服务协议》时,或访问JCPAY网站(https://jcpay.jctrans.net/,下同)及其相关网站、或是下载、安装、使用JCPAY客户端时,或您使用我们提供的任一服务(以下可统称为“JCtrans Pay服务”)时,即表示您已同意我们按照本政策收集、储存、使用和分享您的信息。除非您已阅读并接受本政策所有条款,否则您无权使用JCtrans Pay服务。
1.在您使用JCtrans Pay服务时,我们可能会收集、储存、使用和分享您的相关信息。我们通过本《隐私政策》向您说明,我们如何收集、储存、使用和分享这些信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、控制和保护这些信息的方式。
(1)当您使用JCtrans Pay服务时,我们会收集您通过计算机、手机或其他接入设备发送给我们的信息,我们也可能会从JCPAY的关联公司或其他第三方获得您的信息。
(2)您将第三方管理的账户与您的JCtrans Pay账户相关联,并授权JCPAY访问此类信息,表示您同意JCPAY在遵守本政策的前提下,收集、存储、使用和分享此类信息。例如,我们可以根据您的授权收集您通过社交媒体网站或社交工具软件等途径提供的信息。我们通过此种途径收到的信息因具体提供的网站而异,并受提供信息的网站控制。
(1)您在注册JCtrans Pay账户时,向我们提供的您的手机号码或电子邮箱、真实姓名、身份证件信息或是我们要求您提供的其他信息(包括但不限于银行卡号)。我们通过这些信息识别您的身份,以便遵守相关国家相关法律法规的规定,为您提供服务。
(2)您使用的JCtrans Pay服务需与您的银行账户等账户关联方能实现时,您需要向我们提供您的银行账户等账户信息。例如,您在开通JCtrans Pay支付服务时,将您的银行卡与JCtrans Pay账户绑定时,您需向我们提供您的银行卡信息。
(3)您使用JCtrans Pay服务过程中所产生的支付业务信息,包括但不限于交易双方名称、交易金额、交易时间、交易双方的开户银行名称、银行账户号码等相关信息。您可以通过我们查询您的支付状态或历史交易记录。
(4)我们可能会收集您使用JCtrans Pay服务的相关操作信息,包括但不限于您的硬件设备型号、您所使用的软件版本信息、您的IP地址、您所在的位置、移动网络信息、标准网络日志数据和其他信息,以尽最大努力保护您的账户安全。
1.当用户使用JCtrans Pay服务的时候,我们可能会保存用户的用户登录状态并且为用户分配一个或多个“Cookie”(一个很小的文本文件),例如:当用户访问一个需要用户登录才可以提供的信息或服务,当用户登录时,我们会把该用户的登录名和密码加密存储在用户计算机的Cookie文件中,由于是不可逆转的加密存储,其他人即使可以使用该用户的计算机,也无法识别出用户的用户名和密码。用户并不需要额外做任何工作,所有的收集、保存和加密工作都由系统自动完成。
(1)记住您的账户和密码。例如,cookie可能帮助您省去为使用JCtrans Pay服务而重复输入账户和密码。
(2)分析您使用JCtrans Pay服务的情况。例如,我们可通过cookie、web beacon等技术来了解您使用JCtrans Pay服务的具体用途,或哪些网页或服务最受您的欢迎。
(3)广告优化。JCPAY可能会根据您访问相关网站的统计信息为您显示您可能感兴趣的产品或广告信息。这些统计信息并不包括您的任何个人信息,这些信息可能被用来评估广告的有效度。Cookie、web beacon等技术有助于我们根据您的信息,向您提供与您相关的广告而非进行普遍的广告投放。
(4)JCPAY也可能通过web beacon技术来统计匿名访问的数据,同样,这些统计信息并不包括您的个人信息。
4.您也可以选择“不使用Cookie”或“在使用Cookie时事先通知我”的选项禁止Cookie的产生,但是可能会影响您对某些JCtrans Pay服务的使用,或是您无法享受到更加安全、快捷、顺畅、个性化的服务。
四、Cookie和web beacon技术也可能会由JCPAY的第三方广告合作伙伴使用。
这些第三方通过cookie和web beacon收集和使用该等信息的行为,不受本《隐私政策》约束,而是受该第三方的隐私政策约束,我们不对第三方的cookie或web beacon承担责任。我们与您如何保护和存储信息
3.您应审慎选择通过第三方使用JCtrans Pay服务,并妥善保护好您的个人信息。
4.您在使用JCtrans Pay服务时,请妥善保管好您的JCtrans Pay账号及其密码,我们会通过您的账号及其密码来识别您的身份。一旦您泄漏了JCtrans Pay账号及其密码,您可能会丢失您的信息,并可能产生对您不利的法律后果。如您发现JCtrans Pay账号及其密码因任何原因已经或将受到泄漏时,您应该立即和我们取得联系,但在我们知悉此种情况和采取行动前,我们对此不负任何责任。
6.您也可以通过JCtrans Pay网站注销JCtrans Pay账户。如果您注销了JCtrans Pay账户,我们会在数据库中将您的账户标记为“已注销”。
1.向您提供JCtrans Pay服务;
3.在您使用JCtrans Pay服务时,我们将您的信息用于身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗监测、存档和备份用途,确保我们向您提供的产品和服务的安全性;
5.使我们了解您如何接入和使用JCtrans Pay服务,从而满足您的个性化需求;
6.为了使您了解JCtrans Pay服务的具体情况,您同意我们向您发送营销活动通知、商业性电子信息以及提供与您相关的广告以替代普遍投放的广告;
7.评估JCtrans Pay服务中的相关广告和其他促销及推广活动的效果,并加以改善;
1.为了处理您的款项收支,我们可能会与处理您款项的相对方共享一些您的信息。例如,在第三方通过使用JCtrans Pay服务向您转账时,可输入您的JCtrans Pay账号及姓名,我们会向第三方反馈您的部分注册信息,以便其验证收款信息是否正确。
2.当您通过第三方使用JCtrans Pay服务时,我们也可能会与第三方分享您的一些信息,您同意我们与第三方之间可分享您的信息。我们与第三方之间会签署相关法律文件,我们会尽力去要求第三方对您的信息采取保护措施,但我们无法保证第三方一定会按照我们的要求采取保护措施,我们对此不作任何承诺与保证,亦不对这些主体的行为及后果承担任何责任。例如,您在购买商品或服务并通过JCtrans Pay付款时,我们会向卖方发送支付信息以帮助您完成交易。
3.当您通过JCtrans Pay账号登录第三方网站时,为了您能够方便快捷地使用第三方网站,我们可能会将您的信息分享给第三方。该第三方按照其与您的相关约定或其独立的隐私政策等内容处理您的信息,JCPAY对此不承担责任。
4.我们提供的某些服务和(或)产品功能可能由我们的合作伙伴提供或由我们与合作伙伴共同提供,只有将您的信息分享给第三方,您才能使用JCtrans Pay服务。例如,您通过JCtrans Pay进行其他业务缴费时,我们会将您填写的信息提供给我们的合作伙伴,才能使您完成缴费。
8.依《JCtrans Pay服务协议》与您的相关约定向第三方分享;
1.本政策属于《JCtrans Pay服务协议》不可分割的一部分,本政策与《JCtrans Pay服务协议》的约定不一致的,以本政策为准。除JCPAY明确说明需适用JCtrans Pay其他特别制定的单独隐私政策或条款的服务外,本政策适用于您使用的所有JCtrans Pay服务。
2.如果您在使用JCtrans Pay服务的过程中还会使用到第三方的产品或服务,请您遵守第三方的相关隐私政策或规定。例如,您与其进行交易的商户可能会有自己的隐私保护政策,JCPAY对他们的行为(包括其隐私政策)不承担任何责任。
Effective Date: December 1st, 2022
Your Privacy Rights
This Privacy Policy describes your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, storage, sharing and protection of your personal information. It applies to the JCtrans Pay website and all relatedsites, applications, services and tools regardless of how you access or use them.
Scope and Consent
You accept this Privacy Policy when you sign up for, access, or use our products, services, content, features, technologies or functions offered on our website and all related sites, applications, and services (collectively “JCtrans Pay Services”). This Privacy Policy is intended to govern the use of JCtrans Pay Services by our users (including, without limitation those who use the JCtrans Pay Services in the course of their trade or business) unless otherwise agreed through contract. We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a revised version on our website. The revised version will be effective as of the published effective date. In addition, if the revised version includes a substantial change, we will provide you with 30 days’ prior notice by posting notice of the change on the homepage of our website. After this 30-day notice period, you will be considered as having expressly consented to all amendments to this Privacy Policy.
Collection of Personal Information
We collect the following types of personal information in order to provide you with the use of JCtrans Pay Services, and to help us personalize and improve your experience.
Information we collect automatically: When you use JCtrans Pay Services, we collect information sent to us by your computer, email or other access device. The information sent to us includes, but is not limited to, the following: data about the pages you access, computer IP address, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, and standard web log data and other information.
Information you provide to us: We may collect and store any information you provide us when you use JCtrans Pay Services, including when you add information on a web form, add or update your account information, participate in community discussions, chats, or dispute resolutions, or when you otherwise correspond with us regarding JCtrans Pay Services.
When you use JCtrans Pay Services, we also collect information about your transactions and your activities. In addition, if you open a JCtrans Pay account or use JCtrans Pay Services, we may collect the following types of information:
• Contact information, such as your name, address, phone, email and other similar information.
• Financial information, such as the full bank account numbers that you link to your JCtrans Pay account or give us when you use JCtrans Pay Services.
We may also collect information from or about you from other sources, such as through your contact with us, including our customer support team, your results when you respond to a survey, your interactions with members of the JCPAY corporate family or other companies (subject to their privacy policies and applicable law), and from other accounts we have reason to believe you control (whether in part or in whole).
Information from other sources: We may also obtain information about you from third parties such as credit bureaus and identity verification services.
You may choose to provide us with access to certain personal information stored by third parties such as social media sites (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). The information we may receive varies by site and is controlled by that site. By associating an account managed by a third party with your JCtrans Pay account and authorizing JCtrans Pay to have access to this information, you agree that JCtrans Pay may collect, store and use this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
How We Use the Personal Information We Collect
Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a secure, smooth, efficient, and customized experience. We may use your personal information to:
• provide JCtrans Pay Services and customer support;
• process transactions and send notices about your transactions;
• verify your identity, including during account creation and password reset processes;
• resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems;
• manage risk, or to detect, prevent, and/or remediate fraud or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities;
• detect, prevent or remediate violations of policies or applicable user agreements;
• improve the JCtrans Pay Services by customizing your user experience;
• measure the performance of the JCtrans Pay Services and improve their content and layout;
• manage and protect our information technology infrastructure;
• provide targeted marketing and advertising, provide service update notices, and deliver promotional offers based on your communication preferences;
• contact you at any telephone number, by placing a voice call or through text (SMS) or email messaging, as authorized by our User Agreement;
• perform creditworthiness and solvency checks, compare information for accuracy and verify it with third parties.
We may contact you via electronic means or postal mail to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, or as otherwise necessary to service your account. Additionally, we may contact you to offer coupons, discounts and promotions, and inform you about JCtrans Pay Services and the services of our corporate family. Finally, we may contact you as necessary to enforce our policies, applicable law, or any agreement we may have with you. When contacting you via phone, to reach you as efficiently as possible we may use, and you consent to receive, autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages as described in our User Agreement. Where applicable and permitted by law, you may decline to receive certain communications.
We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. We may combine your personal information with information we collect from other companies and use it to improve and personalize JCtrans Pay Services, content, and advertising. If you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us or participate in our ad-customization programs, simply indicate your preference by logging into your account and going to the Notifications section and updating your preferences, or by following the directions that may be provided within the communication or advertisement.
We respect your communication preferences. If you no longer wish to receive notifications via our application, you can adjust your preferences by visiting the settings page of the application.
How We Share Personal Information with Other JCtrans Pay Users
When transacting with others, we may provide those parties with information about you necessary to complete the transaction, such as your name, account ID, contact details, or other information needed to promote the reliability and security of the transaction. If a transaction is held, fails, or is later invalidated, we may also provide details of the unsuccessful transaction. The receiving party is not allowed to use this information for unrelated purposes, such as to directly market to you, unless you have agreed to it. Contacting users with unwanted or threatening messages is against our policies and constitutes a violation of our User Agreement.
If someone is sending you money and enters your email address or phone number, we will provide them your registered name so they can verify they are sending the money to the correct account.
Please note that merchants, sellers, and users you buy from or contract with have their own privacy policies, and although JCtrans Pay’s user agreement does not allow the other transacting party to use this information for anything other than providing JCtrans Pay Services, JCtrans Pay is not responsible for their actions, including their information protection practices.
Regardless, we will not disclose bank account number to anyone you have paid or who has paid you using JCtrans Pay, or with the third parties that offer or use JCtrans Pay Services, except with your express permission or if we are required to do so.
How We Share Personal Information with Other Third Parties
We may share your personal information we collect from you, including your name, contact details, and transactions and activities, with:
• Credit bureaus and collection agencies to report account information, as permitted by law.
• Companies that we plan to merge with or are acquired by. (Should such a combination occur, we will require that the new combined entity follow this Privacy Policy with respect to your personal information. If your personal information could be used contrary to this policy, you will receive prior notice.)
• Law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or other legal process or requirement applicable to JCtrans Pay or one of its affiliates; when we need to do so to comply with law; or when we believe, in our sole discretion, that the disclosure of personal information is necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, to report suspected illegal activity or to investigate violations of our User Agreement.
• Other unaffiliated third parties, for the following purposes:
• Fraud Prevention and Risk Management: to help prevent fraud or assess and manage risk. We may share account information in order to help protect your accounts from fraudulent activity, alert you if we detect such fraudulent activity on your accounts, or evaluate credit risk.
• Customer Service: for customer service purposes, including to help service your accounts or resolve disputes (e.g., billing or transactional).
• Legal Compliance: to help them comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing verification requirements.
• Service Providers: to enable service providers under contract with us to support our business operations, such as fraud prevention, bill collection, marketing, customer service and technology services. Our contracts dictate that these service providers only use your information in connection with the services they perform for us and not for their own benefit.
Using Log In with JCtrans Pay
Log In with JCtrans Pay is a tool we’ve developed to improve your Internet experience. Log In with JCtrans Pay allows you to streamline and simplify the account creation and login process when using third-party websites, and it allows these websites to enhance your experience on their sites. Instead of creating multiple usernames and passwords for each website you visit, Log In with JCtrans Pay allows you to sign in to a participating website using your existing JCtrans Pay login information. When you use Log In with JCtrans Pay, you agree that JCtrans Pay can share the information listed on the Log In with JCtrans Pay consent screen or in your Log In with JCtrans Pay account settings with the participating website. Information you allow JCtrans Pay to share with these third-party websites is subject to each third-party’s terms of service and privacy agreement, so you are encouraged to review their policies.
How You Can Access or Change Your Personal Information
You can review and edit your personal information at any time by logging in to your account and reviewing your account settings and profile. We also may retain personal information from your account to collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, prevent fraud, enforce our User Agreement, or take other actions as required or permitted by law.
How You Can Contact Us about Privacy Questions
If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you should contact us by email customer@jctrans.net